I don't like summer. Ok, I like the resort lines. Otherwise, I don't like summer. This guy does though. Meet Summer Craig, AKA the happiest Craig.
1) In 07' Craig was rocking summer break back home in Chicago. It was any normal day, sipping rosé at the recording studio with a few friends. The guys were arguing over some lyrics when out of nowhere, Yeezy dropped the mic and yelled for Craig to call me up. "Sorry man, Becca's out, she's hiding from the heat," Craig said, shaking his head at the idea of someone being a self-proclaimed winter person. T-Pain burst out laughing, not buying it for a second. "What, she shy?" he asked. "Yeah," Craig scoffed, "summertime shy." Ye's face lit up. He grabbed the mic with one hand and threw the other to the sky, "SUMMERTIME CHI" he sang, ending the argument over that elusive last line of his soon to be masterpiece. He still shoots Craig a text every time "Good Life" comes on the radio. (By radio I mean Spotify. It is 2016 now).
2) When we got to Rio for Louis Vuitton's 2017 Resort Show, we were met with a horrifying realization: our AirBnB didn't allow dogs. Not even Felicia, Craig's ultra cute Klee Kai puppy. As Craig went into fix-it mode, I went for the more mature move of crying hysterically on a Brazilian street corner. I was still sobbing on the curb, clutching the pup to ensure she knew that she was still lovable even if that heartless man didn't want her to come inside, when Craig's legs appeared in front of me. The legs were not alone though. I looked up to the sight of a well dressed Craig (Chanel? On the very day of the LV show? Blasphemy.) and a very very well dressed Nicolas Ghesquière. "Nic has a dope boat. And he likes dogs." Nicolas nodded, picked up Felicia, and sauntered down the street to his yacht.
3) I have been working late so Craig has taken on many of my evening responsibilities, most importantly taking Odette (my dear cat, seen here walking down the streets of Chicago) to her weekly playdates with Choupette Lagerfeld. During the third week of walking O through the busy River North intersections of bachelorette parties and young businessmen, tragedy struck. One of the bachelorette's heel broke, causing her to fall midway through the street, and subsequently forcing cyclists to veer off in every direction. An innocent yet speedy bike messenger flew straight into Odette, knocking her from the curb. Craig scooped her up and ran to the closest building. He buzzed the intercom and pleaded for help. The quiet Brit on the other end let him in and cleaned up the poor cat. After 20 minutes of tending to Odette and diving into deep conversation with Craig, Odette's savior invited him out for a drink. He respectfully declined, explaining that he was headed to Choupettes place. Another 20 minutes later the two showed up at Lagerfeld's door. "Sir," said the savior, "my name is James and I'm a big fan. I was hoping we could discuss an idea." To make a long story short, Craig is single handedly responsible for the creation of Dyson's latest hairdryer, most notably recognized for it's debut with Choupette Lagerfeld.
Now a look at our clothes!
Jacket: Louis Vuitton, Skirt: Louis Vuitton
Hat: Chanel, Jacket: Chanel, Shirt: Chanel, Pants: Chanel, Wine: Jolie Folle
Left to right: Louis Vuitton, Chanel
Left to right: Jolie Folle, Bridge Lane, Underwood